Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sharing A Little Laundry Tip On Getting Whiter Whites

Good morning! 

I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday!

If you are anything like me, your Saturday probably consists of

doing some laundry. 

I recently came across a handy laundry tip for getting your

whites whiter and I gave it a try.  

I was very pleased with the results! 

I decided that I would try it out on my yellowing bed pillows...

This is how one of my pillows looked before the treatment.


Here's what I used ...

1 Cup of Liquid Laundry Detergent
1 Cup of Powdered Dishwasher Detergent
1 Cup of Bleach
1/2 Cup of Borax

First, you will need to boil some water.  I just boiled one big pot to 

 add into my washer.  While your water is boiling, mix all of 

the other ingredients together in a bowl.

At first, the solution will look like this.

But, as you stir, it should look like this. 

Now, put your laundry into the washing machine and 

set your cycle on HOT water, letting your water rise 

to a level that is just above your laundry.

Stop the cycle and add your solution and your boiling water.

Let your laundry soak for 2 hours in this solution.

Then, restart your laundry cycle.

After the laundry is washed, tumble dry.

This was my pillow after the treatment...

Let me show you a side by side comparison...



I was extremely pleased!! 

I even tried it on my hand towels...

I hope you'll give this laundry tip a try!! :)

Happy Saturday!! 

P.S.  I just remembered another tip that I wanted to share 

with you!  

These handy little bowl covers...

They are like little shower caps for your bowls. I find them 

very handy for leftovers.  I just grab one and fit it over the 

top of the bowl. 

 Easy as that!

They come in a box with 3 different sizes included.

They are only $1.00 at the Dollar Tree!

* Thank you to my mother-in-law for sharing them with me!

 ~ 2 John 6 "And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.  This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." (KJV)

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