Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Couple More Recipes For Easy Homemade Treats

Well, I didn't quite make it back on here to give you the other recipes I wanted to share with you for some last minute homemade Christmas gifts! I got back to it a few days too late! Sorry about that!! Maybe you can still use these recipes for some sort of holiday get together, like tomorrow night... New Years Eve!

I am actually working on a New Year's Resolutions post today too, so today will be a "two for one" blog visit! :) 

First, let me go ahead and give you two more recipes for homemade candy.  

Here's an oldie but goodie...

Peanut Butter Balls 

Ingredients:  1 and 1/2 cups of peanut butter
 1/2 cup of butter (softened)
1 pound of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups of chocolate chips
1 small amount of crisco added to the chocolate chips ( about 1/3 teaspoon)

(By the way, shout out to Aldi once again, I got all of these ingredients for a fraction of the cost of name brand products and they taste the same, even the peanut butter!)

Ok, back to it...  Mix your peanut butter, softened butter, powdered sugar and vanilla in a bowl.

It's not very pretty, but it's oh so good!! 

Now, shape the dough into balls and place on parchment paper lined cookie sheets.

Refrigerate the balls.  

In the meantime, melt your chocolate and the crisco (so the chocolate will form a hard shell) in a double boiler.  

 I make my own double boiler using a glass bowl resting over a pot of boiling water.  This works great and your chocolate will melt, but not burn. 

Now, remove your cookie sheet from the fridge and using a fork or a toothpick, dip each ball into the chocolate until coated.  If you're going for the old fashioned "buckeye" look, leave a small area of peanut butter showing to resemble a buckeye.  

Cool your candy in the fridge until set and your ready to package these as a gift!! 

These are so good, but a warning goes with them... they are RICH!! You might need a glass of milk or water with you while you enjoy these yummy treats!! 

I have one more candy recipe to share and they might actually be my favorite this year!!  They are just the right amount of sweet and salty!

White Chocolate Covered Pretzels

These are so easy to make and take very little time to do! Here's what you will need...


Square Pretzels
Hershey's Hugs Candy
Red and Green M & M's 

Just preheat your oven to 200 degrees.  Then, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and place your pretzels in rows over the parchment.  

Then, place one Hug candy on top of each pretzel.


Place into the preheated oven just for a couple of minutes until the chocolate is shiny and starting to soften.

Now, carefully place an M & M in the center of each pretzel!  

That's it!! Place in the fridge to harden, then take out and try to package these without eating them up!! I can hardly resist the "sweet & salty" combo!  

I hope all of you had a wonderfully Merry Christmas with your families and friends!! 

Like I said earlier, I'm working on my last post of the year today too, so if your visiting my blog , stay tuned, there is more to come! 

~ <3 ~ 

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6: 31 KJV

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