Monday, February 29, 2016

Sharing A Recipe For Homemade Lotion

Good morning! 

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend.
 The weather here in Alabama was just beautiful!

It's Monday; and since sometimes Mondays can be a little bit "Blah", I decided to share a quick and easy recipe that is sure to perk up your day!

Today I'm sharing a recipe for 
Homemade Lotion! 

I LOVE this recipe! 

My dear friend from church, Sherrie Stephens, shared it with me about a year ago and I've been making it ever since.  
It is the softest lotion and smells oh so good! 

Here's what you will need:

8 Ounces Of Vitamin E Cream
7 1/2 Ounces Of Vaseline
15 Ounces Of Baby Lotion

This is so easy to do! 

You just mix all of your ingredients together with a hand held mixer and that's it!!

Fill containers with your lotion! 

I use the container that the Vitamin E comes in by just peeling off the stickers and washing the empty container out.

I think it's my favorite type of container to use. 

I didn't this time, but sometimes I use small canning jars too for pretty gifts. :)

You can change the scent of the lotion to fit your preference.
I sometimes make Cocoa Butter and I've made Lavender for a soothing scent, but my very favorite is Baby Lotion! 

Hmmmm... I wonder why.

I'm forever thinking of when I had babies! :)

They may not smell like baby lotion anymore, but they will always be my babies! ;)

Happy Monday!

~ Ephesians 4:4-6 "There is one body, and one Spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." (KJV)


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