Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Very Last First Day Of Homeschooling...

Hi there.

I hope all of you are doing well.
It's been quite some time since I've written on here!
It's been a very busy summer for us! We had a summer full of work travels and we even squeezed in a little fun here and there!
Hopefully you have enjoyed your summertime too!
I absolutely cannot believe  it, but it is already time for school to start!
Many of you have already been in school for over a month now!
As most of you know,
we homeschool.
I have been so very blessed to be able to home school our 3 children for the last 20 years!
This year is going to be so bittersweet for me...
Sweet, because Lord willing at the end of this 2016-2017 year of school, I will have home schooled for 21 years total!
I feel very happy about that!
Bitter, because after this last school year, life as I know it will be different!
I will officially have an empty nest!!
I won't be ordering any more school books, buying school supplies or grading papers!
To be honest, I'm pretty nervous about this new life that's waiting for me, but I know that with God's help, I will be okay.
So, in honor of our
Very Last First Day of School,
 I thought I'd post a few pictures of our Austin
 through the years...



Where in the world has the time gone??
We are so very proud of you Austin!
We love you and even though it may seem like I'm going to hang on to you for dear life as you prepare to leave my nest, just hang in there with me and don't panic!
I'm working on it and everything SHOULD be fine by graduation!
 I decide you're not ready to graduate and hold you back!!!
I wonder how many years I could try that one and get away with it... :)

I love you and I am looking forward to our last year of schooling.
~Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (KJV)



  1. Awww!! Thanks for sharing these precious memories! We are on our 6th year and have, what seems like, years to go. Their ages are 13, 11, 9, 7 and 3. I know the years will go by as fast as their sweet baby and toddler years did. Thanks for being an encouragement to us all!!! We need reminders that we should enjoy each and every moment.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Shelley! I've been where you are, years ago, but it really does feel like it was just yesterday! It can sometimes feel like school days move in slow motion, but trust me, before you know it, you will have adult children who will be thankful for the memories that you helped to create! I hope your school year is a wonderful one! :)

  2. Such a sweet post �� I'm with you on just holding him back a year or so!! ��
